7 Benefits of Recycling

Recycling is a process--a series of activities, if you want, which includes: the collection and sorting of waste, treatment of these materials to manufacture new products and the purchase of materials and the use of these new products by consumers.

Recycling is more optimized and efficient if we practice the three R. waste management: reduce, reuse, recycle.

Reduction of waste otherwise obtained by UNFICYP to landfills or recycling centers sites are obtained by a decrease in deliberate in our shops and consumption, composting of organic waste and flat refusal to use disposable items such as plastic and polystyrene bags. Re-use of materials are used to extend the use of a particular element. Examples of this are: remapping lamp art shade glass bottles, giving his old cell phones to family members or friends to re-use and upcycling at Community dumpsters bathroom.

But, why Recycle? Why go through all the problem of recycling of waste? How recycling benefits for us and the environment?

We will review the advantages of recycling:

Recycling helps protect the environment

Recycling significantly reduces the quantity of waste that gets deposited in landfills or burned in incineration plants. Engineering highways in almost all cities are intended to contain toxic chemicals, the leakage of solid waste to reach our water systems. But for how long? We already receive reports of dangerous chemicals contaminate the water supply in some cities. Burning of solid waste by electricity can be effective, but we paid the price in terms of increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse.

Limited recycling helps conserve resources

To put this performance in the correct perspective, we will examine this statement of the Ministry of the protection of the environment in Pennsylvania: "recycling of more than 1 million tons of steel in 2004, with the exception of 1.3 million tonnes of iron ore, 718,000 tons of coal and 62 000 tonnes of limestone in Pennsylvania". Through the recycling of office and mixed paper, newsprint, we saved nearly more than 8.2 million trees. »

Resources such as oil and precious metals (gold, silver, bauxite, copper, etc.) are all of limited resources will be exhausted sooner or later. Cell phone and computer manufacturers, such as Dell and Apple, has recognized the need for a steady supply of raw materials - most is active in buy-back programmes of actions for the recycling of post-consumer materials.

Recycling promotes energy efficiency

Recycling is much more efficient in terms of energy consumption, which produces some of the fresh floods. Done on a scale at the national level, this could lead to a significant reduction in energy costs. The energy required to extract, process, and transport of metal of a mine at a refinery is obviously much greater than what is necessary to recycle the metal from used products - costs more energy to the manufacture of a new aluminum can fresh material which are 20 boxes of recycled materials.

Recycling contributes to building a strong economy

Every reduction in costs, energy efficiency, conservation of materials and for the generation of work of recycling adds up to help build a strong economy for our country. Recycling, designed on a scale throughout the country, has a huge positive impact on the economy. He had last year when he started the financial crisis of the dip in the price of recyclable materials, but it testifies to the strength of this industry that prices are now back to the levels of before the crisis - a recovery that is in front of most other industries. It created jobs and the Governments of the cities and people enjoy great savings in electricity costs, waste and landfill sites.

Recycling creates jobs

Recycling creates more jobs than the dumping or incineration of waste. It is an advantage that we must not lose sight, in this time of recession and high unemployment rate. We will consider the elimination of 10 000 tonnes of solid waste: burn it for electricity creates 1 job; These practices of dumping in a landfill for garbage and collect creates 6 jobs; treatment of waste for recycling will generate 36 jobs!

Recycling of community structures

Band of people together and building communities around causes, problems and common goals. Recycling is no different. In many
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